Saturday, October 22, 2016

I present a collage of words and ideas.

It's Saturday and my fingers are cold. It's October. Nearly November. Yay, NANO is almost here! I sort of tear up thinking about it. Last year was nail-biting, gut wrenching, hair-pulling awesomeness and I can barely wait for this year to start.

I'm going to a Halloween costume party this year! I haven't been to a costume party in...ever. I haven't ever been to a Halloween party, or a costume party -- unless I want to count ren faires in gear and SCA events in kit, which I don't want to count them. Because random pendanticness is my thing. Those two things are not costume parties as defined by ME.

ANYWAY -- shhhhh. Don't tell anyone. I'm going as the Mad Hatter. My version of the Mad Hatter. I found really awesome separate pieces at several thrift stores and decorated a hat myself and my husband has made real leather holsters for my...

I'm not telling what the holsters are for.

(No one is reading this. For gods' sake, you can tell. You can even post a picture, none of your friends...check that, NO ONE is going to see this. Now or ever. Stop thinking anyone is reading your rambling nonesense.)

Fuck you, BotBB*. You're not the boss of me. I'll do as I like. Stop pissing on my delusions. I'm trying to have fun. I'm whistling in the dark. SHUT IT!

Image result for jai courtney
Jai Courtney
I don't like his beard in this one.
Okay, CinemaSins guy, what is your deal with Jai Courtney? I like him.

Hm. Upon searching for an image Mr. Courtney does seem to have a limited range of facial expression. He's Australian. Russell Crowe, another stone faced actor I like rather well, is from New Zealand.

Ooh, I haven't seen The Nice Guys yet. Let's put that on the list of stuff I want to do.

(which should really be titled Stuff I Will Never Get Around to Doing Because I Can't Stay Off Facebook.)

Just ignore her. She's not in charge here. She may possibly be correct, but she's not in charge.

So that's my five minutes for today. I want to write more but I'm actually leaving the house today to do several things that will be lots of fun. Tai chi and karate classes, lunch, Intro to SCA archery, going to see a friend's first competition MMA fight (modified, no head shots).

It will be fun to see my friend compete, he lacks confidence in himself. I hope, even if the fight does not go his way, that the accomplishment of going through with it will help him. Also, I get to see what I'll be going through next spring. Then after the fight we're all going for pizza. I will have to be careful there. I'm trying to get down to at least five pounds below allowed fight weight -- which is 135 -- so I can put on a bit more muscle and have some leeway if the fight happens to fall during a time of the month I don't want to say out loud, or even in print, because let's not jinx it, 'kay?


*Back of the Brain Bitch - that mean, hurtful, hateful voice of my own anxiety, fear, and self-loathing. But she is also very strong and will say just about anything. I draw from her strength and use it fuel my bravery. I've tried getting rid of her, but that took more energy than it did to figure out this other solution.

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