Sunday, September 12, 2021

Several, a couple, a few, some, and none: A possible series, but no promises.

TWO is meant by a couple. A couple is always two. There is always two separate and distinct but occasionally exactly the same things in a couple. Do we have that down now? A couple is two things. They don't have to be the exact things and they don't have to be different, the only thing that they have to be is that however many things they are, when you count them, there is two, only two. And don't think you can make a couple by having three things but only counting two of them. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.

Okay, that's not truly my desk in the second picture, it's a free stock photo but I do actually have a pen and paper on my desk. Trust me.

Also, I do not own those galaxies, I don't care what that guy said, I am not responsible for the collision.

So endth the lesson. Go forth and...count a couple of things.

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