Monday, August 23, 2021

500 Writing Prompts: You're running for President of the United States.

 From 500 Writing Prompts: You're running for President of the United States. What thing(s) from your past could your opposition use against you?

All the things. Why in the hell would I want to run for President of anything? I would NOT.

I suppose this prompt is meant to stir memories and encourage self-examination. But I cannot take this shit seriously. I would never, ever, ever want that much responsibity and attention. Not even to save the world. The world shoulda looked out for itself. about the fact that I never went to college and have no experience in anything that could facilitate being President. People want their President to appear to have achieved a higher education, even if the individual doesn't later employ that education.

That's it, that's where I'm stopping. 

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